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Bee In UA

Inspiration is everything!

It's like an online survival game. Will a new day come? Will you still have health after another rocket or drone explosion? As in the game, we need to restore our strength and psychological state. The only "but" .... this is not a game. That's life. Real life. Ukraine mourns its children every day. Today, someone did not wake up after an air bomb. But despite the fatigue, Ukrainians every day try to return and revive their homeland. Lush gardens and golden wheat under a peaceful sky, the smile of children and cheerful songs. We want to keep our home.

I am still strong and defend my right to exist. I met each new day with gratitude like a few years before the invasion of the invaders, but now I feel that every moment is a treasure. And there are millions like me.

So what to do

if the rockets of the invaders take away the dreams, childhood and hopes of many Ukrainians? Do not lose inspiration and zest for life. So I created a Telegram channel where I talk about the artists of Ukraine every day. About our art history to our people who remained on the mined land.



This is not the first genocide of our people in the last 100 years. And every time our nation loses millions of compatriots. Every time the invaders try to erase our genetic code, art and history. But I am sure that history and art help us to be strong and united. If I can help at least 1 person every day to find the strength to survive - that's good. Help one person have a good mood and he will spread the vibe further.

Never forget that life is priceless. Find inspiration around you. Find 5 elements today that inspire you. What is this? The smile of a dear person? Drawing of a child when he was 3 years old? Favorite sweater that you feel comfortable in? A flower on a tree on the way to work? Inspiration is around us!

Coded by Alla Avramenko