Health literacy: Mental Health

Mental health

Mental Health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities,
learn and work well, and contribute to their community.

Did you know that an estimated 970 million people in the world live with a mental disorder?
Of these 52,4% are women and 47,6% are men. In both cases anxiety and depressive disorders are the two most common mental disorders.
Did you know that 8 and 14% of children and adolescents live with a mental disorder?
Idiopathic developmental and autism spectrum disorders are the two most common mental disorders in children under the age of 5 years.
While, attention-deficit/hyperactivity and conduct disorders affect arond 5% of boys (10-14 years), and anxiety and depressive disorders are more common among girls.
Did you know that around 13% of elderly people live with mental disorder?
Depressive and anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental disorders that affect older adults, affecting 14,2% and 11,7% of women and men, respectively.

Deepen your knowledge about mental health and WHO's Action plane.

World Health Organization fact sheets: Mental Health. Available at: Accessed at august 2023.
This page was coded by Sara Sá Matos