SheCodes Book Club

Share your reading tips to fuel free thinking

Why to create a book club?

The timing for a Book Club is more than appropriate: with many of us in quarantine, lockdown and mobility restrictions, we can seize the opportunity to dedicate more time to literary escapes. I also imagine that most of you fellow Coders spend most of your time with their eyes glued to a computer's screen... so maybe this space can help you rediscover the pleasure of reading for its own sake and give you that extra push to explore new worlds.
I would be glad to collect your reading ideas, share intellectual tastes, and engage in provoking discussions about every theme and literary genre.

Book of the month

Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Read the plot on Wikipedia

"You can feel Adichie's passion and belief pumping beneath every paragraph. Americanah is a deeply felt book, written with equal parts lyricism and erudition. More than that, it is an important book – and yet one that never lets its importance weigh down the need to tell a truly gripping human story." The Guardian