
Appearance Shapes Perception

Do you believe that people see your personality first when they meet you? Well, the reality is quite different; what they notice first is your appearance, and your dressing plays a crucial role in shaping that. As they say, 'Your dressing speaks long before you do.' This means that even before you utter a word, your clothing is conveying a message. It could be speaking softly, or it could be shouting out loud. So, what message do you want your wardrobe to convey about you? Or perhaps, more importantly, what message do you want your clothes to avoid sending?

As a fashion designer, my responsibility is to deeply understand my customers, enabling me to assist them in expressing the overall message they wish to convey through their image and dressing.

Clothing has the power to communicate your position within a company. It can reveal how much you value someone's business during sales negotiations. It can showcase your attention to detail or a lack thereof.

Now, take a moment to reflect on what your wardrobe says about you. Do your clothes communicate fatigue and frustration with life's challenges? Or do they demonstrate your unwavering dedication to your work? Perhaps they even reveal your passion and joy in what you do. The fascinating aspect is that your clothing conveys these messages long before you utter a single word. It's not about brand names or styles; it's about how the clothing fits, how it feels, and the message it conveys. , be mindful of the narrative your clothes are telling about you, as they speak volumes before you ever say a word.

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Coded by Oraka Loveth