Sorghum Agenda

Sorghum Good!

Sorghum Grain

The Sorghum Agenda should be on top of the priority list as far as healthy foods is concerned in Southern Africa and be accessible to the rest of the world. The fast and instant food industry has boomed but unfortunately, with it, comes a lot of health complications. What the world needs is to slow down when coming to food consumption and preparations as well as a rewind of the indigenous foods that we know and love. Not only is Sorghum packed with great health benefits, it is also versatile, affordable accessible and easy to farm. We grew up with Sorghum as a staple in our household and we enjoyed it as soft porridge in the morning and also enjoyed it with stews and vegetables for lunch or supper. In most rural areas, it comes highly recommended for diabetics and new moms as it is believed to aid in speeding up the process of post birth healing as well as increase breast milk supply. This Sorghum Agenda should lead in the healthy food blogs and there sould be more awareness on the great health benefits of this super food.