Lavender - beautiful and helpful herb of the Provence region ๐Ÿค—

Lavandula augustifolia

Lavender field

Lavender, an herb with many medicinal uses. Lavender herbโ€™s delightful scent and beautiful bloom spikes have made it a favorite herb for centuries. Wild lavender grows throughout the Mediterranean and northeast Africa, while garden varieties are found all over the world. Lavender is cherished for its scent, being widely used in medicines, perfumes, beauty products, disinfectants, household cleaners and a wide variety of other products.

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Health benefits of Lavender:

Lavender bouguet

What products of Lavenders are available?

Cautions you should be avare of before taking levander products:

๐ŸŒฟ Do not take lavender products if you are alergic or think you might be alergic to this herb.
๐ŸŒฟ Products of lavender (especially taken orally) are not recomended for pregnant or breast-feeding women because of the possible side effects.
๐ŸŒฟ Do not take lavender products orally if you have a health condition called gastroesophageal refluxe disease.

Interesting facts about Lavenders:

โœ” The Latin name of lavender is Lavare, which means โ€œto washโ€, due to its aroma which has a particularly clean odour.
โœ” Lavender played important part in bathing rituals in ancient Rome because of its antiseptic properties.
โœ” Lavender was used in art during the Renaissance period. Painters (including Rubens) used lavender to improve the quality.
of colour in paintings.

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