A life worth living

Julieta & Mahou

A crazy Dalmatian 🤪 🐶 and a happy 🥰 🐻 Great Swiss Mountain Dog

Julieta the Dalmatian and Mahou the Great Swissy

Two poles of the earth these guys. Two completely different breeds and characters but both uniquely amazing, lovable and loving. These two guys are the heart and sould of our home. Julieta left to the other side of the rainbow 🌈 after 11 years of glowing and shining in this earth. Mahou is now 5 and a "single child" currently. If you want to receive more information about the breeds click on the following links. You can click on the button below to receive more photos of your favorite dog and their blogs.

Team Julieta the deaf Dalm Team Mahou the Swissy
This page was coded with love by Ro Fernandez 🐥