Halloween ๐Ÿ‘ป

Eveything I love about Halloween


When it comes to Halloween, everything about it makes me happy. I've always loved Halloween since going to my nan's house on Halloween night. We would get all dressed up, go trick or treating then after, all of us would head over to her house for a Halloween party. We would play games, such as dunking our heads in water for money, trying to bite an apple on a string hung from the ceiling, eat irish Halloween cake called 'Bรกirรญn Breac' and watching scary movies. From then I have always adored it. Halloween isn't a big thing in Ireland and every year it becomes less popular, but no matter what I would always make my mum and dad go the extreme with decorating our home. It would look like Halloween exploded all over our house and people loved it, walking by and taking pictures with their children. Even as an adult I would still have Halloween parties because it falls the day after my birthday, perfect timing! Autumn fits perfectly around Halloween, with the colors of the leaves changing to orange and red, warm fires, its cold enough to drink hot chocolates and getting comfy to watch horror movies, it's all of my favourite things wrapped into one. Even though Halloween only lasts for one day it doesnt stop me from keeping some deorations up all year around, just the few small things. I do wish it lasted as long as Christmas or was as popular in Ireland as it is in the USA. I love it that much I've even had pumpkins, skeletons and ghosts tattooed on me. Some would say I'm obsessed but really it just makes me feel like a child waking up on Christmas day, except with scary decorations everywhere and not cute little elves. Adults and children of all ages dress up as what they want to be for that one night, to finally feel like a princess, a cowboy or even something made up completely, its a time to feel creative and to be something else for the night. So if you love Halloween like me, I hope you enjoy the link below learning more on Halloween and to click the button below for some movie recommendations to get ready for this years Halloween! Enjoy! ๐Ÿ‘ป๐ŸŽƒ

Learn more on Halloween ๐Ÿ“š