Yummy Pastries🧁

All about Delicious Cinnamon Rolls!

Cream cheese frosting Cinammon roll

A Cinnamon roll is a sweet baked dough filled with a cinnamon-sugar filling. Made with a rich dough leavened with yeast, their characteristic form is due to rolling a dough sheet containing sweetened cinnamon filling. Common toppings include, cream cheese frosting or sugar glaze. Sweet rolls have been produced since ancient times. However, the arrival of cinnamon spice to Europe resulted in the creation of this unique sweet treat. The cinnamon rolls we know today are thought to have originated in Sweden. There, they are called kanelbulle and are celebrated on October 4th as a national holiday.

Read more about Cinnamon rolls at Serious Eats

Coded by Lone Botanka 👩🏽‍💻