"A reader lives a thousand lives before (s)he dies.
The (wo)man who never reads lives only one."

George R. R. Martin

Hello fellow reader! I am happy you're here.

I love to read, I always have. I started reading at the age of seven and since then, I've never stopped. Back then, I settled down with my beloved stuffed animals surrounding me, opened up a book from the top of the pile. One by one, the books formed a second pile, which consisted of finished books. As I grew older, the stuffed animals disappeared but the pile of books besides me remained.

I grew up with Harry Potter, solved numerous cases with Kinsey Millhone from Sue Grafton's best-selling Alphabet Series, fell in love with Name of the Wind & devoured hundreds of other ficition and fantasy books throughout my reading journey.

Reading a good book is like being around an inspiring person. It can widen our view of the world and change our perspective. Being lost in a good book, it is like the real world falls away. I am looking forward to every further adventure I may dive into as a reader and i can't wait to read my favorite books to my little son.

How many lives have you lived so far?
I would love to hear about your favorite book!

Coded by Nadine Plepel