The Thummim's NeuroScience Journal

The Science of Brain

Modern science provides evidence that dopamine has a biological connection to motivation and focus, showing that it is what keeps us alert on tasks. So understanding this enables you to dig deeper into the realm of brain science National Library of Medicine Dopamine is famously known as the pleasure and reward neuromodulator. So the logic here is that almost all patterns of our habits are affected by the amounts of dopamine circulating in our brains. The Dopamine baseline is the amount of dopamine that circulates continuously in our brain and body. There are two modes of dopamine release: Tonic and phasic. The tonic release is the low-level baseline that circulates in our brain and is responsible for our focus and motivation. And the other form of dopamine release is phasic. Phasic is the high-level release of dopamine that peaks above the baseline. The tonic release of dopamine mainly involves when we predict the rewards that we will gain provided that this release influences our motivation, so after we accomplish such a task and get the award, we will then experience the pleasing feeling that is the release of phasic dopamine. So these are the two modes of dopamine release that ride our desire and deep enjoyment in doing our work. Well, that's only a small part of what it does.


You might be familiar with the story of Alice in Wonderland; When Alice, in her travels, comes to a fork in the road, she can’t decide whether to take the left or the right fork; She asks the Cheshire Cat which fork she should take, and the Cheshire Cat replies “That depends, where are you going?” Alice says, “I don’t know,” Guess what he says? “Then I guess it doesn’t matter.” This story made me think about the power of choice and intent over our lives; We are the only ones who can make our way straight using our will; To say it another way, if you have no intentionality or a desire to get somewhere, then you are just only fooling around because it really does not matter if you take either the right or left direction whatsoever. What is attractive about this idea is that if there is no intentionality in doing our work, then our actions have no significance; You have to ask yourself what you want most in life that has to come first; This way, you can be authentic with yourself and face the fact-By facing yourself. This time, not of the spontaneous choices, but the choice that our mind deems to approve after following our desire or inclination, so you must be analyzing that you make choices for some apparent reason, and those choices flow from your thoughts or desires deep inside of you, again you ask the question, what is thought? Is thought just merely a biochemical, electrical impulse of some sort? As a matter of fact, I cannot emphasise it much; I know that we are people who can think rationally, and have ideas and concepts in mind

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