Indigenous Appalachia

an exhibit of art, culture, & history

Appalachian Mountain Range

The Appalacian Mountains formed over 480 million years ago, before Staurn had rings and dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Approximately 16,000 years ago, Native tribes such as the Cherokee, Powhatan, and Shawnee formed and lived in the mountain range.
Throughout Appalachian history, art has continued to change and evolove, and many historians, universities, and groups are striving to document and preserve the arts of the indigenous communities, such as beadwork, painting, storytelling, and weaving.
From now until June 2025, West Virginia University is hosting a wide variety of past and current Indigenous Artists in partnership with WVU's Native American Studies and WVU's Humanities' Center. The Indigenous Appalachia exhibit seeks to teach students, locals, and visitors of the rich and diverse history of the Indigenous tribes of North America while preserving and protecting art and cultures created in the Appalachian Mountains.

Learn more at WVU.