Plant Parenting

(for plant murderers!)


Are you thinking about taking the plunge and becoming a plant parent?

Not only do indoor plants make for beautiful home décor, they may also boost your health and well-being. Research suggests we spend more than 85 percent of our lives indoors and houseplants are an easy way to bring nature into your home.
“One of the best things about caring for indoor plants is the beautiful exchange that happens: Plants depend on us for care and in turn, they take care of us by improving the air we breathe and making our space more beautiful,” says Garvey. “I also think plants are hopeful. As they grow and blossom, they can be an important reminder for us of things to come.”

But what about if you just can't keep them alive?

Follow our handy hints and watch your plant babies thrive!

  1. Get the right light
  2. Avoid overwatering
  3. Use rain water
  4. Don't forget to feed them
  5. Let them have fresh air
  6. Prune gently
  7. Check if it's time to repot
  8. Make sure pots have drainage holes

Find out more here