Dance Camp 2023


Summer dance camp is all you ever wanted. Whether you are a professional, semi-professional, or recretional dancer, this is the perfect place for you to practice your skills and gather knowledge from world-recognized dancers. There is also a possibility for beginner dancers to join us and to learn how to dance step by step with our dance experts. All you need to do is sign our form at the buttom of the page and we will contact you as soon as possible! See you on a best dance camp, and get ready to sweat a lot!

Which dance programs do we offer?

1) Jazz Dance

Jazz dance is a form of dance that combines both African and European dance styles. This high-energy dance has a liveliness that sets it apart from traditional dance forms, such as classical ballet. Like jazz music, jazz dance features improvisation. Dancers respond to the music with their body movements, changing their motions with the musicians’ spontaneous instrumental creations.

2) Contemporary Dance

Developed during the 20th century, contemporary dance involves incorporating aspects of movement from several other genres such as jazz, modern and ballet. While contemporary is a popular type of dance worldwide, it is most common amongst the U.S and European countries.

3) Hip Hop dance / MTV dance

Hip hop dance is a range of street dance styles primarily performed to hip hop music or that have evolved as part of hip hop culture. It is influenced by a wide range of styles that were created in the 1970s and made popular by dance crews in the United States.

4) Stiletto Dance (Dance in heels)

Stiletto Dance (also called High-Heels Dance) is a dance form that emerged and evolved in the United States and Europe in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. It is named after the women's shoe style, since one of its distinguishing features is the wearing of high-heeled shoes during performance.

Learn more on our website!