Cooking Vs Baking, What's The Difference? 🤷🏽‍♀️

Science In The Kitchen

cooking or baking

What is Cooking?

Cooking refers to a method of preparing food that involves heating and combining the ingredients to change their chemical composition and make them safe for consumption.

What is Baking?

Baking is one of the many methods of cooking that uses constant dry heat, the source of which could be wood, coal, gas, or electricity. This continuous flow of dry heat alters the chemical composition, appearance, and flavor of ingredients, making them firmer, darker, softer, bigger, and flatter, depending on the recipe.
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Cooking is Flexible, While Baking is Precise

While all cooking is scientific, it's true that baking relies on pure scientific precision to create a great dish. The slightest change in humidity, quantity, temperature, or time can lead to drastic differences in the final product.
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