Buttons in UX/UI

A button is a design element that allows users to take action and help them complete various actions. It is really important that the design of a button clearly conveys its function so the user understands what will happen if they select it.
UX buttons are usually styled links to attract users and drive them in a specific direction. Through buttons, we can link to other pages or finish tasks like a form submission or buying online. Sometimes we use them as CTA (Calls to Actions) when we need our users to finish their actions on our website.

Button Elements

Button Hieriarchy

Buttons are usually categorized as primary, secondary and tertiary. These categories are correlated to be able to identify the most inmportant actions from the less important ones. This dictates the level of visual emphasis each button should represent.

Button State

Button states let the user know whether they can click or have clicked a button. These elements also have overlapping states. For example, it could be "active" and "hover" at the same time.

Button Styling and Coloring:


Border radius


Vertical padding

Horizontal padding aligned to the grid

Fixed horizontal padding


Coded by Andrea Rodriguez

Email: [email protected]