Nothing can truly prepare you for what's to come, not even the best books recommended for parenting.
However, everything you read about becoming a new parent will just give you a little insight
into how things could potentially be.
Everybody's journey is truly different. However, I would always recommend having some extra hands to help you find your feet. In African homes, it is said that the child belongs to the mother. Well, I think it's such a horrible analogy to have.
How is a new mom now expected to know everything without help? She's probably still healing from giving birth, and the responsibility of taking care of a child is solely put on her. We are proud to share our new series titled "Holding Space: Stories of Maternal Mental Health.
This series brings you five women who courageously chose to tell their heartbreaking and challenging journeys with postpartum depression and perinatal anxiety and mood disorders (known as PMADS).
Their stories of sadness and struggle are counteracted by each woman's steely resolve to get better. We have created a community for women to get the support they need. Visit the link and get the support you need from other courageous women who joined the community and got the help and support they needed. Holding space