Afang soup rocks!

A bowl of a Afang soup

The seafood kind

Afang soup is a delicious blend of vegetables and various types of seafood and meats including goat meat, periwinkle, snails, and crayfish depending on your palate. Afang soup traces its origin to the Efik people of the Efik kingdom in Cross river state and the Ibibio People of Akwa Ibom in Southern Nigeria. It is also a popular dish in some parts of Africa. The beauty of Afang soup is the protein options are vast and can be varied depending on personal preference. At Estrellaz kitchen, we use a unique mix of goat meat, pomo, periwinkle, giant prawns, crayfish, and smoked fish. Apart from the visual appeal, afang soup offers high sources of fibre, unsaturated fats, protein, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Yum!

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