Dance for All Bodies

Dancing lifts you in the air, makes you want to fly, makes you feel like you’re the only person in the world.. sounds familiar? Yes, dancers do feel that way, and famous poets have wonderfully put these emotions into words.

Hello there! Thank you for your interest in taking a dance class with Dance for All Bodies. As we close out the year, the DfAB Team, namely our Board and ED, have been ruminating on these foundational statements. As we imagine what DfAB's future could be, the question of how can we best serve our community has come up repeatedly. To begin answering that question, we humbly come to you asking for your genuine insight, opinions, and feelings on DfAB's current programming. Please share your responses through the DfAB Community Survey , which is short and anonymous. We appreciate your input immensely.
Additionally, the DfAB Board and ED have decided that our wisest next step is to take a hiatus, an extended hibernation if you will, for the next 3 months. This hiatus is for our leadership team to assess where DfAB is in its trajectory and strategize where we'd like to go next, while continuing to prioritize dismantling ableism inside and outside of the virtual dance room. During this hiatus, we will sit with your survey responses and use them to guide us forward. At this time, the best way you can support us is to fill out the Community Survey (linked above as well) or donate to support us administratively during the hiatus.
This hiatus will be effective beginning on December 21, after our final class of the year on December 20. You can reach us at [email protected]. If you have direct questions or concerns about the hiatus, you can message the DfAB Board at [email protected].
We've so enjoyed connecting with you through dance this year and we hope to be in April 2023 with our community classes and more.