North Atlantic Right Whale


β€œIt is surely our responsibility to do everything within our power to create a planet that provides a home not just for us, but for all life on Earth.”

-Sir David Attenborough


North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) are one of the world's most endangered large whale species. In the 19th century, these whales were coveted by commercial whalers -hence the name "right"- and their populations were thoroughly decimated. Although whaling has long ceased, their populations have not recovered, and these whales fall victim to entanglements in fishing gear and vessel strikes- the leading causes of North Atlantic right whale mortality. Proposed federal regulations to reduce the likelihood of mortalities and serious injuries would impose speed restrictions on certain categories of boats, as well as modify the spatial and temporal boundaries of current speed-restricted areas.

Please visit the petition (linked below) for more information on the recent efforts to protect these animals from extinction.


PETITION: Tell U.S. and Canadian government officials to protect these whales
