Meet Shardy!

He is one of my favorite neighbours.

Shardy moved here a few months ago. He's a very curious, energetic and overall lovely French Bulldog that lives in my neigbourhood in my hometown Berlin.
According to wikipedia the breed of French Bulldog is the result of a cross between Toy Bulldogs imported from England and local ratters in Paris, France, in the 1800s. French Bulldogs have become very popular in the last years. But not only now are French Bulldogs popular. This was also the case in die late 18 hundreds. The wellknown post- impressionist painter Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, for example, is supposed to have owned a Frenchie. You can find one of his dog paintings here.

Dogs, just like us, need to move in order to keep healthy. Seeing as Shardy lives in a flat, it is very important he go for a walk several times a day. The great thing is that I get to take him now and again.
But not every dog owner has neighbours that are interested in their dogs. Often dogs have to stay at home alone whilst their owners are at work or going about their lives. Since taking care of a dog can take up a lot of time, the owners are often thankful for help and support when it comes to sitting their beloved quadruped or taking them for walkies.
On the other hand there are quite a few people that enjoy a dog's company, but don't have the time and/ or money to have one of their own. Bringing these two parties together can be easliy done via special internet platforms. I'm sure you know car-sharing and home-sharing.. Well THIS is dog-sharing!