🌸Cherry Blossom Viewing🌸

A Beautiful Japanese Tradition

Cherry Blossoms in Japan

The delicate flowers of the sakura (cherry blossoms) are a huge part of Japanese life, culture, and history. The blossom viewing in Japan is believed to have first started in the Nara period of the country's history between 710 A.D. and 794 A.D.
Traditionally, the Japanese have always believed that the cherry blossom represents the fragility and the beauty of life and that every blossom is a reminder that life can also be tragically short. Even today, the newly emerging blossoms of the cherry trees are considered to be a representation of hope, beauty, and new life — all of which most definitely deserve to be celebrated. Read More Here

In general, the cherry blossom season runs from late March through early May every year, but some trees can begin to bloom as early as January. There are no set dates for the season, as there are certain extenuating factors that can affect the timing of the blooms all across the country.
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