Solo Travel Tips For Women

Stay safe while exploring the world

When I tell stories about my solo travel, the number one response I receive from women is, "I wish I could do something like that". Traveling alone can seem intimidating, but with a few tips, you can learn to travel independently while staying safe.

Woman traveling
  1. Start Small
  2. If traveling alone makes you nervous, the best way to start is to ease your way in. Taking a local, weekend trip can be a great way to experiment if this style of traveling is for you. Research places that are close by, where a majority of people speak a language you know, and that you can easily leave if you do not enjoy the experience.
  3. Put Down Your Phone
  4. Walking around with your head burried in your phone makes you less aware of your surroundings. When traveling on my own, I plan my route ahead to the best of my ability and try to glance at my phone only when I need a quick refresher on directions. Plus, this way you'll get to soak in the scenery of the place you are visiting!
  5. Connect With Other Female Travelers
  6. Solo travel has become more common amongst women. I normally run into at least one other solo female traveler on my adventures. It's not only fun to meet a new friend, but chatting with each other can give you ideas of things to do in the area and a safe person to reach out to if you need help.
View for more tips or join our community of solo female travelers below!
Coded by Maranda Poe