Music Therapy

🎶 What it is and how it's beneficial 🎶

music therapy noun

Therapy based on engagement in musical activities : the therapeutic use of music (as to reduce anxiety, improve cognitive functioning, promote physical rehabilitation, or enhance interpersonal communication) that typically involves listening to music, singing, playing musical instruments, or composing music

(sourced from Merriam Webster Dictonary )

Music therapy can be used to help manage the symptoms of:

Music helps with the recall of memories. Studies have shown that dementia patients who have difficulty retrieving memories are able to recall memories by listening to a familiar song from their past. They become much livelier and happier.

Music is its own language. It transcends culture and language, and brings people together. It often expresses what words can not. Music is in our blood: our hearts beat at a certain rhythm, we breathe at a certain pace; rhythm is a part of life.

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