There are two distinct species of elephants in Africa: the Savannah
elephant and the Forest elephant. African elephants have always been
creatures that facinated me. Every part of their body is intricately
designed for survival. From their muscular trunks which serves multiple
purposes, such as storing water, a snorkel while swimming, and of
course, it helps them to drink! Their enlarged incisor teeth, more
commonly known as tusks, are perfectly suited for the task of prising
bark off trees or digging up roots, as well protecting them in fights.
Last but not least, the folds and wrinkles in their skin helps to retain
water so that they can cool down when temperatures are scortching hot.
Unfortunately, African elephants are an endangered specie.The demand for
ivory in the illegal luxury trade drives the slaughter of these
facinating animals. Help protect these endangered species so that future
generations can continue to marvel at their beauty!