Adopt A Pangolin

They're Tiny, They're Cute and They need your help!


5 Things you should know about Pangolins!

  1. They're Unique!
    Pangolins are the only mammal in the world to be covered from head to toe in keratin scales. (Same as human fingernails!)
    These scales account for up to 20% of a Pangolin’s entire weight.😲

  2. They inhabit tropical forests, dry woodlands and the savannah.
    Some pangolins spend their time up in trees 🌲 and others sleep in burrows underground🕳️

  3. They are about the size of a small cat🐈, are covered in brown scales, and have long, strong tails that can be used as a weapon.

  4. Like a skunk 🦨, pangolins can release a noxious- smelling acid to deter predators.

  5. Pangolin populations are declining rapidly, with one million believed to have been taken from the wild in a recent 10 year period.😧

Donate to WWF in support of their global conservation work and send an optional Pangolin themed email certificate to your designated recipient. This option does not include an adoption kit. Click the button below and enter your email to receive further information on how to adopt one of these amazing and unique creatures either for yourself or as a gift!
(Please note we will not be sending an actual Pangolin in the post.)

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