Not only can meditation positively impact our longevity by supporting the function of our telomeres and the vagus nerve, but meditation is also found to reduce oxidative stress, lower blood pressure, and enhance the immune system. The regulation of cortisol, a hormone released in response to stress, can also be lowered through the practice of meditation. With a wide range of illnesses and disorders attributed to chronic stress, regular meditation practice is likely to benefit and increase our health and longevity.
Stimulation of the vagus nerve is also linked to meditation and mindfulness practices. The vagus nerve is a part of the sympathetic nervous system which regulates various functions such as heart rate, respiration, and digestion. Stimulating the vagus nerve signals the body to slow down and relax, in turn; reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, and contributing to overall well-being. Slow and deep breathing is shown to activate and tone the vagus nerve.
There are a wide range of meditation and mindfulness techniques, so if you are looking for where to begin, it may prove useful to explore the different options available and find what works best for you. Like most things, there is not a “one-size fits all” way to meditate.
Some people may be drawn to the yogic and Buddhist teachings on meditation. However, others may prefer a more secular approach, such as those found in mindfulness programs offered through conventional healthcare systems.
Amongst these options, there are:
The key to benefitting from these practices is to integrate them into your life as a long-term and consistent practice. Essentially, finding a meditation practice that you will stick with could have a measurable effect on your stress levels and contribute to your health and longevity. From its positive effects on telomeres, the vagus nerve, and other mental and physical health conditions, meditation is a powerful tool for supporting a longer, healthier life.