
An Indian Ocean Paradise: Travel Guide

indian ocean beach

Indian Ocean idyll Mauritius , with its miles of pristine white sand beaches, is the stuff of travel dreams. The mountainous interior includes Black River Gorges National Park, with rainforests, waterfalls, hiking trails and wildlife like the flying fox. Each coastline has its own quirks: the east coast is where you’ll find its clutch of upmarket beach resorts, while the southern coast is windier and wilder.

Travellers first come here for the picture-postcard coastline, but scratch below the surface and you’ll discover what draws visitors back time and again. Mauritius holidays can be lazy days on the beach, but they can also be marine adventures and island explorations.

The island’s diverse yet relatively short history has created a remarkably varied culture; quite something for a country that is just a bit smaller than the county of Devon. The descendants of European, African, Indian and Chinese immigrants make up the majority of the population and each group has made their mark on the island. Where else can you take Creole language courses, visit beautiful Hindu temples and grand sugar plantation houses, and dine on cuisine inspired by a melting pot of culinary traditions.
Learn More About Mauritius