My passions are to travel and to cook .

Let's have an eye about cooking

I’ve always had a passion for cooking. When I was a little girl I loved to cook and enjoyed learning about all sort of cuisines. Today, I am still in the kitchen and every chance I get, I cook. Some days it isn’t even fancy or a hard recipe. Some days it’s a classic, but something that I’ve created. Cooking is my time to be me. It’s the “art form” I pride myself at being good at and I don’t have to try (unlike drawing…not so good at that!). Like a child getting a new toy, I get excited when I discover new foods and ingredients. My mind feels “at home” when it’s in the process of creating in the kitchen. It’s fun getting the ingredients, piling them all on the counter, then chopping, stirring, adding a pinch of this and a splash of that. Then I have to wait for everything to cook. Finally the reward of my creativity is taken out of the oven and placed on a plate. The creative work I’ve done is fully realized when I can share my work with others.
Cooking is pure joy and fun for me. I cook as a way to ground myself, to think clearly and to relax for a change. I enjoy researching ingredients I’ve never heard of before, what pairs best with this spice or that vegetable. When someone strikes up a conversation with me about cooking, I could go on for hours, so be prepared! Through cuts, burns, failed recipes, forgotten ingredients, I still find joy in the art of cooking. Losing this passion would surely be like losing myself.

🍽️ My recipes
I like to share recipes that are easy to follow and require as few ingredients as possible. Ideally, you’ll have most of the ingredients in your cupboard already.
I wanted to cover everything for everyone in this book, so there are sixteen chapters for you to explore. You’ll find dishes inspired by my travels to the likes of Miami, Greece and France, traditional Sunday roast ideas, indulgent sweet treats and much, much more. I’ve even thrown in a proper Scouse favourite .
I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. To all my lovely followers who inspired me to do it, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
All my love,

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