✨ The Power of the Vision Board ✨

Vision boarding is a creative mindfulness practice that allows people to individually or collectively visualise their goals into a collection of images.

Pictured above is my personal vision board for 2023. It is the beginning of June 2023 and I find myself reflecting on the past six months in preparation for the final half. What I enjoy about vision boarding is that it can be a guide into understanding and remembering your interests and what you can do to include joy and exploration within your life.

Looking back at this vision board I see many images that I have implemented in my life and many that I haven't. This doesn't signify failure. It signifies redirection and also change. The first half of 2023 was themed around creating healthy Rituals. For the last half of 2023 I describe the theme to be Courageous so that I can channel courage as I wrap up this year.

Describe the theme for the last half of your 2023 vision board!

The design of this image is created by Boipelo Khunou. The images in this image do not belong to Boipelo Khunou and have been sourced via Pinterest.