The 10 'R's of Sustainability

❗❗ Waste Reduction is CRITICAL ❗❗

10 'R's of Sustainability

Is recycling the best choice out there? ♻

⚠ Spoiler alert: the facts and the figures point to no.

In fact, there are better alternatives to recycling out there. Recycling should be the last resort of waste - and there are several other "R" words that should come before recycling to help ensure a greener earth.

As of 2015, approximately 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic had been produced, of which 6.3 billion tons became plastic waste. How much would you guess gets recycled?

If you said only 9% of all plastic waste ever generated gets recycled, you'd be right. What does that tell us? Well, it means that recycling does help, but the real key to helping build a greener earth is the reduction of waste, not the recycling of it.

Learn more via Pirani Life 🌍