Chocolate Can Be Healthy

Cocoa beans

What Is Cacao?

Did you know that chocolate is actually good for you? It’s true! When in its rawest and most natural form of Cacao.

Cacao is where chocolate gets its start.Chocolate comes from Theobroma cacao, the scientific name for the cacao tree. A small tree native to the Amazon Basin, the cacao tree is now grown in tropical regions all over the world.
The fleshy fruit, or pods, of the cacao tree contains brown seeds often called cacao or cocoa beans, though they’re not really legumes.
Cacao beans develop flavor and texture through a fermentation process before they’re processed into either cacao or cocoa powder. Fermenting and roasting cacao is also the first step in making chocolate. People mash the cacao beans into a paste called chocolate liqueur, which they then treat with heat to create cocoa. Cocoa is the key ingredient in most chocolate products. Cacao beans develop flavor and texture through a fermentation process before they’re processed into either cacao or cocoa powder. Fermenting and roasting cacao is also the first step in making chocolate. People mash the cacao beans into a paste called chocolate liqueur, which they then treat with heat to create cocoa. Cocoa is the key ingredient in most chocolate products.

Top 5 Reasons Why We Love Cacao:

  1. It’s Nutritious: Cacao is an extraordinary source of the following minerals: magnesium, iron, chromium, vanadium, copper, zinc, phosphorus
  2. It’s Delicious: Cacao is the most chemically complex flavor in the world (over 1200 chemical elements form the flavour, making it by far the most complex tasting food in the world)
  3. It’s Alchemical: Cacao is a “delivery system.” Its theobromine dilates the intestines and cardiovascular system allowing more nutrients to be absorbed.
  4. It’s Interesting: Cacao is an interesting tree to grow. The fruit or “pods” grow right out of the trunk of the tree, instead of from the limbs of the tree. Cacao is a heavy feeder requiring a tropical climate with heat and moisture as well as lots soil nutrients.
  5. It’s Loved: Cacao has been associated with love and the heart by all cultures that have enjoyed its benefits.
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