welcome to ethiopia

where is the location of ethiopia in africa map

location of ethiopia

Ethiopia is a landlocked country situated in the Horn of Africa. It is bordered by Eritrea to the north, Sudan to the west, South Sudan to the southwest, Kenya to the south, Somalia to the east, and Djibouti to the northeast. The country has a population of over 115 million people, making it the second-most populous nation on the continent of Africa and the 12th most populous in the world. The official language is Amharic, and there are over 80 different ethnic groups in Ethiopia, each with their own language, traditions, and culture. The majority of the population practices Christianity or Islam, with a small percentage following traditional animist beliefs. Ethiopia has a diverse landscape, from the cool highlands to the hot and dry lowlands. The country is famous for coffee, which is its main export, as well as for being the birthplace of the Rastafarian movement. The country has a rich history and is believed to be one of the oldest sites of human existence, with fossils dating back over two million years. Ethiopia was also the only African country to resist colonization in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and its independence was recognized in 1941. Today, Ethiopia is a developing country with significant challenges in areas such as poverty, healthcare, infrastructure, and education. However, it has seen remarkable progress in recent years, with a rapidly growing economy and improvements in many social indicators. Location: Ethiopia is strategically located in the Horn of Africa, 3′ and 14.8″ latitude 33′ and 48′ longitude bordering Somalia, the Sudan, Djibouti, Kenya and Eritrea with a total border length of 5,311 km. It is the 10th largest country in Africa.

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