How to Make Greek Yogurt

Simple guide on how to make healthy homemade Greek yogurt


What Is Yogurt?

Well milk is made up of casein and whey. Casein is what curdles and is used to make cheese and yogurt, while whey is the watery substance left when the milk curdles. So what is Greek yogurt? Greek yogurt is essentially the same as regular yogurt with the addition of one critical step – straining! At the very end, the yogurt is strained to remove the excess watery whey, creating a thicker, more protein-dense product. So while we call this variation of yogurt “Greek yogurt” in the U.S., you may see it called “strained yogurt” in other areas of the world.

How To Make Greek Yogurt

Yogurt is a fermentation (just like kefir, kombucha, and kimchi), meaning it’s created by adding some bacteria (yogurt) to a sugar-containing substance (milk) and letting the bacteria eat up the sugar. So to make yogurt at home, you’ll just need 2 ingredients: