Before you begin to dive into this page, you need to know one thing. Houseplants cost money. From the plants you buy to the amount of water you use. Having houseplants is a privilege, and when you do start this hobby, you might be intimidated by what other people have.
Some people can have over 500 houseplants in their home, and continue to buy more. Others have expensive grow lights in order to have plants even in the darkest depths of their home. A single cutting of a Monstera Thai Constellation can go for more than £50!
However, don't be alarmed! There's no need for all that. Not really. Some only have a cacti, and that can be enough.
One of the best ways to invest in this hobby is by appreciating the common houseplants available on the market. The ones that appear on every video/blog/tiktok you've ever seen titled 'Beginner Houseplants'. You can buy these in normal garden centres, but you can also find them in your local supermarkets! This rundown is like every other one of those videos/blogs/ let's get started!