πŸ₯¬ Grow Your Own

Whether you have a tiny patio, a sprawling lawn, or even just a windowsill, growing your own fruit and vegetables is an easy and accessible way to connect with nature. Growing produce on a big or small scale brings many benefits to you and your environment!

tomatoes growing on vine

From Vegan Society Website: Wrapped in copious amounts of plastic, transported long distances before reaching the chopping board, and grown using chemical pesticides. A large proportion of shop-bought fruit and vegetables are responsible for causing significant environmental damage, leaving us with an ethical dilemma to contend with whenever we go to the supermarket. One solution that arguably resolves each of these issues is to start growing our own food.

There are many reasons why tending a vegetable garden could bring both personal and environmental benefits. Although the success of such an endeavour in part depends on the amount of time you can commit to it, it’s hard to deny that the benefits of growing your own food make planting, watering, and weeding worthwhile.

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