Once upon a time, I... dreamt I was a butterfly,
fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly.




Chaung Tzu wrote about the man
who dreamed he was a butterfly
and when he woke up
wondered if he weren’t now
a butterfly dreaming he was a man.

I love this idea
though I doubt that Chaung Tzu
really thought that a man would think
he is a butterfly,

for it’s one thing to wake up
from a dream in the night
and another to spend your whole life
dreaming you are a man.

I have spent my whole life
thinking I was a boy, then a man,
also a person and an American
and a physical entity and a spirit
and maybe a little bit butterfly.
Maybe I should be more butterfly

that is, lurch into a room
with bulging eyes and big flapping wings
that throw a choking powder
onto people who scream and fall dead,

almost. For I would rescue them
with the celestial music of my beauty
and my utter harmlessness,
my ætherial disregard of what they are.

More poems Ron Padgett