All things Reading!

Please look around if you love to read and are interested in growing your love of reading!

Reading has always been an activity that people either enjoy or avoid. Oftentimes, people pigeonhole themselves into thinking they do not enjoy reading because of a previous experience they may have had. Sometimes, this comes from being forced to read the classics in school, or sometimes this comes from never finding the right fit when it comes to a genre. With the invention of social media, and the prevelance of BookTok and wildly popular Instagram accounts, people are finding more and more books that fill that void. They are able to see people like them and see books that they love. Due to the popularity of social media, people are now finding they love the challenge of seeing just how many books they can read in a year and sharing their love of reading with others similar to them! Follow this page in order to help you find your love of reading or even help you find the perfect book to start reading!

Click here to learn more about BookTok and its impact!

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