Perfect makeup. Perfect mood. Perfect day.
To me, makeup is similar to art
Make up lets individuals express their artistic side to create beautiful flawless looks. There are many products and different brands that make people fall in love with the beauty of make up. It has become a passion and a work of art. The most common products include foundation, face powder, concealer, blush, and mascara. These products have there own purpose such foundation, usually in the form of a skin colored liquid that matches your face, to cover any imperfections or blemishes. Face powder, is mostly put after any liquid product is set to help stay longer, it also reduces shine and blemishes. Concealer is a cosmetic used to hide dark circles under the eyes or any red spots on the face. Blush is used on the cheeks normally in the tint color pink. Mascara, is an eye cosmetic that is makes eyelashes darker and thinker. These are some cosmetics that create fascinating looks and creations. There’s many different make up major brands that try to improve and create makes cosmetics such as MAC, Benefit, CHANEL, Urban Decay, and so on.
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