
To sit in silence and just let yourself be

I love to meditate. I can´t do it for very long, but fortunately I´ve reach a place where this is totally fine. As wise as the New age writer Deepak chopra describes - "We are not humanbeings anymore, we are humandoings". This is why we must allow ourselves to sit in silence and just be, to do nothing. Anyone can meditate and in their on way. You don´t have to sit for an hour at a time in crossed leg posistion. Start simple by just sitting in bed every morning, close your eyes and listen to your breath for 10 minutes. If this is too much, try out guided visualization meditation, or any guided meditation. Start with 5 minutes if 10 minutes seems a whole lot to begin with. Eventually this will bring focus, confidence and reflection in to your everyday life.

learn more about guided meditation here👈