I love Astrology

And reading your birth chart is where you should start!

Astrology is found on understanding the positions of the stars. It is the belief that the alignment of stars and planets affects each individual's mood, personality, and environment, depending on when they were born. Each person has a birth chart which is easily found by searching your birthdate and if you'd like to find out your rising sign, you'll need to input your birth time as well. I always say that your birth chart is the blueprint of your being. By analysising your blueprint, you will begin to understand how others may affect you, how you may affect others, how you react to different situations, and what your purpose is in this lifetime based on the strengths your placements bring out in you. It's truly one of the deepest ways to understand yourself and I believe it helps to understand relationship dynamics (plantonic and romantic) and assist in setting goals and making life decisions. If you're interested in learning more, I have provided some learning materials in the links below!

Happy Self-Learning!

➡ Look Up Your Birth Chart ⬅ ➡ More on Astrology!⬅