God's 8 Laws of Health


The goal in nutrition is to avoid all refined foods. Select a variety of natural foods for adequate intake of balanced amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. As much as possible eat food as grown.Nothing should be eaten between meals - only water. For best digestion, meals should be regular and spaced 5 or 6 hours apart.

For most, two meals a day are more preferable than three (one exception being those with a heavy physical Workload.) However, if having three meals a day, try making the last meal of the day the smallest. It will enable you to sleep more soundly and awaken fresher the next morning. Remember if the food doesn't look appetizing, is served unattractively or in a dirty, unpleasant environment, the digestion is poorly affected!


The human body is designed for action and movement. When deciding to start an exercise routine, choose an activity that will hold the training heart rate for 20 minutes at a time, then exercise 3 to 6 times per week. Also, do not forget to enjoy your exercise! If you do not enjoy it, you will most likely not do it for long. Decide when you will exercise and make a definite appointment and choose to take time to be well.


Water is the single most important part of a proper diet. If you lost 10% of your body water content, the result would be quite serious. Every function of the body is performed in a fluid state. Your blood, which is about 90% water, carries nutrients to the cells and waste products from them. Water is lost through our breath as we exhale, through perspiration and through urine. The water that is lost must be replaced if the body is to continue to function normally.

Many times, common problems such as constipation, headaches and some backache problems can be relieved simply by drinking enough water. Six to eight glasses of water are sufficient for the average person. You are drinking enough water if the urine is colourless and odourless. However, do not drink with your meals! This dilutes the digestive juices, making them less effective, resulting in poorer digestion. For best results, drink water not less than half an hour before a meal, or at least one hour after a meal.


One of the most healing agents of nature is one of the least understood and least used methods of theraphy today. Spending atleast 15 minutes of your time under the sun would be highly beneficial for your body. Start with 10 minutes and gradually increase your exposure time as your skin tans. The safest time of the day to sun bathe is before 10am and after 3pm. Be sure to eat a natural diet which is low in fat and protein and high in carotene, which helps you to tan and gain beneficial results. Tests have shown that people with a high fat diet develop skin cancer more readily than those on a low fat diet.


Temperance, or self-control, is having a totally healthy and balanced lifestyle in every Way. It includes the proper ratio of work to play, personal time verses time with the family and friends, right eating, right thinking, time spent with God... Temperance is moderation in every sphere of our lives. It includes more than just avoiding drugs, alcohol and over-eating. True self-control is avoiding those things that are harmful and using in moderation those things that are good.


Air is crucial to our health. We can live weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without air. The strength of our bodies is dependant, to a large degree, upon the amount of pure air that we breathe. Lack of oxygen at a cellular level may play a role in the development of various degenerative diseases such as hardening of the arteries, diabetes, glaucoma, cancer, hypertension, and arthritis.


Rest is one of the most basic healers known to mankind. When you become sick, what is the first thing you would normally do? You lie down! The restorative power of rest is a key to the success of all other remedial agencies. Do you need rest if you are not ill? To a startling degree, it is the lack of adequate rest while you are well that ‘causes you to become sick. You do not need to sleep in order to rest. Just a change of pace - doing something different - can bring rest to your mind and body.

Different muscles are used, different things are considered and you begin to relax. One of the reasons that many people have nervous breakdowns is that they try to surpass and have the supremacy, so they go at high speed, without adequate rest, until the body machinery breaks under the load. Take time to rest. Just go outside and sit in a chair and do nothing. If that sounds ominous to you, then you are the very one who needs to re-study your attitude toward adequate rest.

Trust in God

The Great Physician, God helps take away your stress and this is a real boon to your physical, mental and spiritual health! Your can have a top-notch diet and a good balanced active lifestyle, but if you have other personal issues in your life you can actually be worse off. And this mental "baggage" can't just be dropped off at the airport and never picked up again! We all have weaknesses that often end up in us failing so many times, and trying to get back on track. Sometimes you might find yourself right back to where you need a NEW START all over again.

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