Going abroad as an Aupair ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ง

Introducing the job of an Aupair
My name is Alicia and I am currently an Aupair in Southern Spain. Seven months ago I flew here to join my host family - in exchange for housing, food and a little pocket money, I am looking after their two little girls in the afternoons for five days the week (around 25hrs the week). In my freetime, I am learning Spanish at a language school and discover this wonderful country with the friends that I made here. I am also learning a lot about Spanish culture through my host family - they are introducing me to their traditions, typical food and music.

Woman reading a book to two little children

The Perks of being an Aupair

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This page was coded by Alicia Nordmann