Go Outside!

expand your world & explore the outdoors

hiking vista

When was the last time you went outside? (Other than from your door to your car, or to take out the trash.) If you're like most of us, you probably aren't getting outside enough.
There's nothing wrong with being a homebody. But if we don't expand beyond our four walls, we are missing out on what this amazing planet has to offer us.
The label "outdoor enthusiast" might conjure up images of weary hikers laden with cumbersome packs, covered in dirt and sweat, subsisting on tasteless dehydrated meals and fending off bears and mosquitos. Yet dedicated hikers will tell you that the benefits of venturing outdoors far outweigh the challenges (and the grime). But what if you're not convinced? Do you really need to spend a week on an isolated trail to gain the glory of an outdoorsy life? And what's the benefit of being outside, anyway?

Ask the scientists why you should go outside. Now that you're convinced, don't wait another minute. It's time to choose your adventure! If you're not ready for an all-in nature quest, never fear. Start small, start slow, start simple. Just start!