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Extremely intelligent, sociable and curious, they are fascinating animals.

They are very picky eaters. They have very sensitive lips, which they use to β€œmouth” things in search of clean and tasty food. They will often refuse to eat hay that has been walked on or lying around loose for a day.
Four amazing facts about goats:

  1. A baby goat is called a kid, but did you know that a goat giving birth is said to be "kidding"?
  2. Goats are sociable animals and therefore become depressed if they are separated or isolated from their companions, however they are not flock-orientated like sheep.
  3. They are one of the cleanliest animals and are much more selective feeders than cows, sheep, pigs, swine and even dogs.
  4. Goats are very intelligent and curious animals. Their inquisitive nature is exemplified in their constant desire to explore and investigate anything unfamiliar which they come across.
baby goat jumping