Fair Fashion

The Change Is Now

The term Fair Fashion describes all garments that are ethically manufactured under fair working conditions. Fair Fashion labels also aim to achieve a fashion industry that focuses on equality and social justice through fair salaries and a secure workplace.
The movement combats the nowadays very popular Fast Fashion which offers extremely cheap clothing whose production often goes hand in hand with a lack of labour rights.

Fighting against poor working conditions

Rana Plaza Rana Plaza

The year 2013 saw with the collapse of the Rana Plaza factory building (Bangladesh) that killed over 1,000 workers one of the most blatant examples of human rights abuses in the fashion industry.

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Our Responsibility

Earth Quote

When manufacturing or even consuming fashion, it is very important to know the responsibility that one bears. The responsibility for the people who produce your clothes (child labour still exists in the fashion industry!!) and also for future generations who will no longer have a planet worth living on if we continue to consume so much.


Webpage by Marion Singer
[email protected]