Think about your inside: run!

It is not about how you look but how you feel

If weight loss is your goal, running is the right option at the moment. But running also has many benefits that people overlook: strengthening muscles, improving cardiovascular fitness, burning plenty of kilojoules amongst others that help maintain a healthy weight and happy mind.

While there exists the potential for injury while running (just as there is in any sport), there are many benefits. Some of these benefits include potential weight loss, improved cardiovascular and respiratory health (reducing the risk of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases), improved cardiovascular fitness, reduced total blood cholesterol, strengthening of bones (and potentially increased bone density), possible strengthening of the immune system and an improved self-esteem and emotional state.

For more information check out Wikipedia

You are not alone

Believe or not, you don't need to get in your car to find people who enjoy running. If you have a park near your home, it is likely to have a running group.

You just need your address to see if you have a ParkRun event near you

We can also get together for a drink (or fresh water) over the weekend to talk about running, prefered shoes, terrain and goals!

Click here to see if there is a pub and people you like running near you.

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