
Mini Islamic comforting reminders


This is by no means to substitute medical or mental health services from a trained and educated mental health professional. This mini project serves as a way for me to share aspects of my faith and to express my creativity. Trained mental health professionals such as psychologists, therapists, social workers and more are a great way to cater for any issues you may be facing. Never self-diagnose or manage mental health alone. If you or someone you know is going through a mental health crisis, please call 911, your local 24 hour urgent helpline, 111 or go to the nearest emergency room.

You are not alone ❤

It is inevitable that in times in our lives, we will experience moments of grief, loss and heartache. It may feel like the world is collapsing around you, and that there's nothing you can do. I welcome you with open arms to remind you that all is not lost. There is still hope even in the darkest of times. I pray this mini project of mine serves of benefit to your mind, heart and soul and acts as a reminder of Allah (God) who is ultimately Looking out for us all. If you are not familiar with Islam, I hope this has touched you and that you take away something new from the religion, and this acts as a catalyst for you discovering more.

In a world filled with millions of people, strangely it's quite normal to feel isolated and helpless. You could be in a crowd, but feel like you're the only person in the room. You shout only to be left unheard. Let me remind you of The One who can Hear you and will Guide you to better days:

The Preserver of Safety

Allah is there to protect you. Allah provides sustenance, so Do not feel afraid, as He is there to make sure you can battle any wars life my throw at you. Allah wouldn’t do something if he didn’t know it was for the best. So breathe. You are safe with The Guardian.

The Supreme Solver

There are sometimes questions we can’t answer, and puzzles left incomplete. This may give you a sense of restlessness and discomfort, but just know that Allah knows the right answers. It’s okay not to be okay, but once you put your trust in Him, that weight you carry on your shoulder will be no more.

The Most Loving

Allah loves you more than any being on earth. He has individually crafted events of your life out of love and in hopes it draws you closer to him. Every test is to sculpt us into the best version of ourselves. If you have the mindset that everything in life is born from love, even hardships start to feel like beautiful blessings.


Discussions of mental health, emotional well-being and even disorders are seen to be a huge taboo subject in some communities. I cannot stress enough that you should never feel embarased or ashamed if you align towards any of these. Islam values mental health just as much as anything else, so never see it as something you have to brush under a carpet. Even the prophets of the past went through trials, so whose to say you cannot? You are only human, and there is only so much you can handle. Give yourself the credit you deserve and be proud for getting through each day. Allah Himself tells us that we are bound to go through times of difficulty and we are not immune to this. This is ultimately to bring us closer to Him.

The Qur'an can be used as a guide to those in need of emotional support and aims to lead people to a meaningful quality of life. Allah comforts us in the Holy Book that...

Duas (Prayer)

Dua's are our personal conversations with Allah. The great thing about them is the significance they hold over our fate.We are showing Him we are vulnerable and in need of His assisstace and guidance. Allah loves it when we submit to him, so even the smallest of dua's can hold immense power.

Take these dua's with you for anytime you are in need of help:

في امان الله
❤ I leave you in the care of Allah ❤

This page was coded and designed by Muminah Ahmed