Exploring the 7 Chakras:

A Guide to Understanding Your Energy Centers

7 Chakras
Introduction: What are Chakras and How Do They Affect Our Well-Being?
'Chakra' in Sanskrit, means “wheel” or “circle,” it is the energy centers located in the body that are believed to be connected to our spiritual and physical well-being. Chakras are an essential part of our energetic bodies and play a vital role in our overall health and wellbeing. The seven chakras, or energy centers, are located along the spine from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.Each chakra is associated with specific physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic qualities.
These energy centers are depicted as spinning discs of light that govern our psychological experience as affected by both mental and emotional stimuli. Depending on whether a chakra is open or closed, aligned or misaligned, underactive or overactive, each spinning disc can drastically alter one’s energetic, physical, or spiritual state of being. When the chakra system is in balance, we are balanced. Each chakra is associated with a different type of energy and can be balanced through yoga poses, meditation, and other spiritual practices.
Root Chakra : Connecting to the Earth and Feeling Grounded
Location: Base of the Spine/Tail Bone
Element: Earth
Physical Body: Blood, immune system, bone marrow, the base of the spine, legs, feet
Emotional Body: Connected with our survival instincts and primal needs
Spiritual Body: This is the center from which we ground ourselves and connect with Mother Earth
Sacral Chakra : Unlocking Your Creative Potential
Location: Lower Stomach/Pelvis
Element: Water
Physical Body: Sexual organs, lymphatic system, kidneys, pelvis, hips, bladder, prostate
Emotional Body: Connected with our sexual desires and creativity
Spiritual Body: This is the center from which we create and give birth to new life and new ideas
Solar Plexus Chakra : Taking Control of Your Life
Location: Belly Button
Element: Fire
Physical Body: Small intestine, liver, gallbladder, spleen
Emotional Body: Confidence/self-esteem, determination, willpower/self-control
Spiritual Body: This is the center from which our self-power and inner strength come from
Heart Chakra : Opening Yourself Up to Love & Compassion
Location: Center of chest
Element: Air
Physical Body: Heart, lungs, ribs, cardiovascular system, pulmonary system
Emotional Body: Compassion, love, self-love, joy, forgiveness Spiritual
Body: This is the center from which we integrate our earthly needs (connected with the lower three chakras) with our spiritual endeavors (connected to the upper 3 chakras).
Throat Chakra : Unblocking communication and self-expression
Location: Throat Mantra: "I speak my truth, always."
Element: Sound/Music
Physical Body: Throat, tongue, teeth, mouth, tongue, tonsils, glands, voice, esophagus, thyroid, ears, bronchial tubes, neck, shoulders, jaw
Emotional Body: Speaking one's truth, authenticity, self-expression, feeling heard, verbal and non-verbal communication
Spiritual Body: Connected with intuition
The Third Eye Chakra : Unfolding your subconscious
Location: Center of the forehead, at the brow level
Element: Light/Darkness
Physical Body: Eyes, nose, sinuses, face, pineal gland, brain
Emotional Body: The Third Eye allows one to look within and exam his/her own thoughts and limiting belief systems. It is located where the left and right hemispheres of the brain connect so it is connected with balancing our creative mind and analytical mind.
Spiritual Body: This is the mind's eye. It through this chakra that clairvoyance (clear seeing) occurs. The Third Eye is sometimes called, “the seed of the soul”.
Crown Chakra : Unlock your higher consiousness
Location: Centered at the top of the head
Element: Time & Space, Divine Consciousness
Physical Body: Central Nervous System, Brain, Head, Skin
Emotional Body: Feeling of life purpose, sense of self, connection to a higher power, source of dream activity
Spiritual Body: The center from which we connect to Star energy and divine source