How technology has aided the prevention of biodiversity loss in Latin America 🍄🌿

coded and written by Mia Joshi

Latin America and the Carribean is home to 34% of the world's plant species and 27% of the world's mammals. It's known as a biodiversity 'superpower'.

according to: World Bank

However, 46% of global mining and socio-environmental conflicts occur here! These pose great threats to biodiversity 😧

according to: Canadian National Resources and Development Institute

Activities upsetting the natural equilibirum of Latin American eco-systems include:

BUT with technology there is hope 🤗 ...

Here are 3 low-cost tech solutions that have helped to preserve the environmental health of Latin America:

  1. 🎧 Bioacoustics to protect endangered areas

  2. Bioacoustics use algortihims to study the frequency and duration of animal noise, enabling identification of species within an area. A UK (UOS) and Mexican universiry (UNAM) have collborated to produce Audiomoth that does this, aswell as capturing bullet and electrical saw sounds to monitor illegal activity. Audiomoth has been successful worlwide including in:

    Audiomoth is a MORE ACCESSIBLE Bioacoustic device, costing between:

    💵 23-46 USD

    in comparison to the price of a normal Bioacoustic device:

    💵 200-700 USD

  3. 📡 Geospatial data analysis and apps for waste management:

  4. Greater access to satellite technologies, internet and smartphones across Latin America is proving to be life-saving! 📲

      📍 🇨🇱 'Thaki'🤳

    During devastating coastal floods in the municpality of Chañral, 80 residents were killed and 200 residencies destroyed due to the poor visibility of evacuation signs. Consequently, Jaime Rodrigo Varashas developed the app Thaki 💡 a preparatory tool accessible to all with a smart phone, with aims to prevent the harmful repercussions of any future climate events. 'Thaki' uses license-free satellite photographs made available by the government and other geospatial data that informs residents of flood-prone areas, evacuation routes,meeting points, whilst even providing location tracking and uploading services for missing people.

    📍 🇪🇨 Viral social media posts to prevent deforestation 🤳

    Carlos Mazabanda, Amazon Watch's team coordinator, partnered with Digital Globe, Planet and Amazon Conservation Team using licenses to access satellite imagery and monitor the emergence of settlements indicating deforestation and mining in remote and endangered regions. This technology has lead to the discovery of 9,928 HA of land destroyed through deforstation as part of El Mirador copper mine project run by the Chinese-owned company Ecuacorriente S.A. Outrage amongst Ecuadorians and wide-spread media attention pressurised some mining operations to become interdicted.

    📍🇪🇨 'ReciVeci' 🤳

    8 volunteers in Quinto have created a way for for 200 recyclers and local residents to connect and encourage easy, direct and affordable ways to recycle through their free app and database 'Reciveci', whilst 'Recipuntos' (recycling points) also incentivise recyclable transactions from residents in exchange for food and services!

  5. 🛩 Drones to combat invasive species and poaching

  6. Bruno Sánchez-Andrade, a former World Bank Innovation Lab astrophysicist has used the power of detecting colour changes in drone images taken at a specific height, at different times to model produce 3D models of land. This enables the monitoring of:

    ➡ poacher pathways

    ➡ changes in vegetation density - in order to detect invasive species.

    Already Sánchez-Andrade’s drones have had success in:

Also: locals can be trained to PROTECT areas and PROCESS data! ⛑📊 Making this a truly Sustainable solution.

Thanks for reading! 😆

To learn more: